سكين رسكيو - بادى بالم

سكين رسكيو - بادى بالم

Regular price 280.00 EGP
Regular price 280.00 EGP Sale price 280.00 EGP
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3 total reviews


سكين رسكيو بادى بالم يعمل علي تنعيم و تفتيح البشرة غني بزبدة الشيا و زيت جوز الهند المرطب لتغذية البشرة. يستخدم لترطيب تشققات الجسم و ترطيب منطقة الكوع والركبة غنى بزيت الليمون لتفتيح البشرة ولاستعادة لمعانها. رول سهل الاستخدام علي البشرة مباشرة


30 جم


زبدة الشيا، وزيت اللوز الحلو، زيت جوز الهند، زيت الأفوكادو، شمع العسل، فيتامين هـ، زيت الجريب فروت، زيت اللافندر، وزيت الليمون

طريقة الاستخدام

رول يستخدم مباشرة على البشرة الجافة


يحفظ في مكان جاف و بارد في درجة حرارة 25 درجة مئوية بعيدا عن الضوء؛
للاستخدام الخارجي فقط

الشحن و الاسترجاع


تفاصيل المنتج

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Rowan Mosaad
Skin Rescue

I used to suffer so much with hand creams. I have sweaty hands so no cream/lotion used to be long standing on them. I tried skin Rescue and it was soooo light and moisturizing. The lemon-y smell is refreshing as well. I LOVED it. Thank you for solving one of my major issue in winter.

Asmaa Khorshed

You chose the most accurate name, it really rescued my skin, it’s supposed to be for knees and elbows but I use it on my hand as it gets really rough in winter and so far glycerin mixed with a boycott cream -not gonna say the name- was the only thing that worked on it
It’s so lightweight and it’s size fits in even small bags
Totally recommended

Nourhan ElAntably
It’s a rescue for real ♥️

I use it on my knees and elbows and it’s great for rough skin

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Rowan Mosaad
Skin Rescue

I used to suffer so much with hand creams. I have sweaty hands so no cream/lotion used to be long standing on them. I tried skin Rescue and it was soooo light and moisturizing. The lemon-y smell is refreshing as well. I LOVED it. Thank you for solving one of my major issue in winter.

Asmaa Khorshed

You chose the most accurate name, it really rescued my skin, it’s supposed to be for knees and elbows but I use it on my hand as it gets really rough in winter and so far glycerin mixed with a boycott cream -not gonna say the name- was the only thing that worked on it
It’s so lightweight and it’s size fits in even small bags
Totally recommended

Nourhan ElAntably
It’s a rescue for real ♥️

I use it on my knees and elbows and it’s great for rough skin